Xiufang Sun
Senior Policy AnalystForest Policy Trade and Finance

Xiufang works with Forest Trends as an Analyst, based out of Beijing, China. She holds an MS in Forest Products Marketing and Management from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and an MA of Engineering in Management from Jilin University of Technology in Changchun, Jilin Province in China. Most recently Xiufang held the position of Agricultural Specialist in the Agricultural Affairs Office (USDA/FAS) in the United States Embassy in Beijing. Her responsibilities included market analysis reporting for China’s forestry and forest products, tracking market and policy changes for other commodities assigned, facilitating negotiations between the U.S. and Chinese officials for trade conflicts in the agricultural sector (including forest products)and serving as interpreter for such negotiations when needed. In addition, Xiufang has worked as a consultant to the WWF China Program. She has prepared and delivered numerous presentations on hardwood use in China’s furniture industry and on potentials for exporting forest products in China. Her research has been published in various publications including the Journal of Forestry and the Forest Products Journal.
New CITES regulations for timber species Afzelia, Khaya, and Pterocarpus, and implications for African exporters and Chinese and Vietnamese importers
By Catherine Rutherford, Phuc X. To, Anh K. Luong, Xiufang Sun and Sofia T. Fenton View PublicationAfrican populations of highly exploited commercial timber species, Afzelia, Khaya, and Pterocarpus, have recently been listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in order to support their sustainable and legal trade. Many of these species come from countries with poor governance, high levels of corruption, and weak enforcement. China and Vietnam […]
China’s International Wood Trade: A Review, 2011-2020
By Michael Richards, Naomi Basik Treanor, Xiufang Sun, and Sofia Tenorio Fenton View PublicationOver the past ten years, China has announced high level commitments to address climate change, including making pledges to exclude timber and agricultural products linked to illegal deforestation. At the same time, Chinese industries have made similar voluntary commitments. This report reviews China’s international trade in forest products over the last decade (2011 to 2020), […]
Dependent Documents
China’s Logging Ban in Natural Forests
Impacts of Extended Policy at Home and Abroad
By Xiufang Sun, Kerstin Canby, Lijun Liu - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends View PublicationThis Information Brief explores some of the anticipated economic and ecological implications of the forthcoming expansion of restrictions on commercial logging in China’s natural forests.
China’s Domestic Timber Supply
By Kerstin Canby for Xiufang Sun - Forest Trends View PublicationForest Products Trade between China and Africa
An Analysis of Import and Export Statistics
By Xiufang Sun View PublicationChina’s efforts to secure access to natural resources in Africa suggest that timber has already become an important traded commodity between China and the African continent. Many hold a general impression that Africa exports a significant and growing amount of timber to China. However, the true magnitude of the China-Africa forest product trade and its […]
Overview of World Tropical Hardwood Resources, Forest Products Trade, and Environmental Issues
Chinese version
By Chinese translation by Xiufang Sun View PublicationChina’s Forest Product Exports
An Overview of Trends by Segment and Destinations
By Xiufang Sun, Nian Cheng , Kerstin Canby - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Center for International Forestry Research, Chinese Center for Agricultural Policy, DFID View PublicationChina is now well recognized as a major timber importer. According to FAO, China has led the world in imports of industrial roundwood since 2001. An analysis of Chinese customs data indicates that China imported a total of 120 million cubic meters (RWE) of forest products in 2004. The dramatic impact this surge in imports […]
A Brief Overview of China’s Timber Market
By Xiufang Sun, Liqun Wang, Zhenbin Gu - Forest Trends, School of Economics and Management at Beijing Forestry University, School of Economics and Management at Beijing Forestry University, CCAP, CEM, Beijing Forestry University, DFID View PublicationChina’s timber market has undergone dramatic changes in recent decades and continues to change rapidly. Timber production and distribution were monopolized by the government prior to the 1980s, but a gradual transition from state allocation to market liberalization occurred during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Currently, timber producers are allowed to market their timber […]
From IFR Special Issue: A Brief Overview of China’s Timber Market
By Xiufang Sun, Liqun Wang, Zhenbin Gu - Forest Trends, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Forestry University, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Forestry University View PublicationChina’s timber market system has undertaken reforms as China adopts market liberalization. Timber production and distribution were monopolized by the government prior to the 1980s but a gradual transition from state allocation to market liberalization occurred during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Currently timber producers are allowed to market their timber directly to different […]
From IFR Special Issue: Meeting China’s demand for forest products: An overview of Asia-Pacific supplying countries, impacts and implications by Xiufang Sun, Eugenia Katsigris and Andy White
By Xiufang Sun, Eugenia Katsigris, Andy White - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends View PublicationThis study analyzes trends in China’s forest product imports between 1997 and 2003 by both product segment and ports of entry. The same information is provided for each of the main Asia-Pacific countries supplying China. A high growth was experienced in China’s forest product imports between 1997 and 2003 in both timber products and pulp […]
The Importance of Using Legally Harvested Wood: Demand side
By Xiufang Sun - Forest Trends View PublicationForest Products Trade Between China & Africa
An Analysis of Imports & Exports
By Kerstin Canby, James Hewitt, Luke Bailey, Eugenia Katsigris, Xiufang Sun - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Global Timber View PublicationRecent reports of China’s efforts to secure access to natural resources in Africa suggest that timber has already become an important traded commodity between China and the African continent. Many hold a general impression that Africa exports a significant and growing amount of timber to China. However, the true magnitude of the China-Africa forest product […]
Meeting China’s Demand for Forest Products (Short Version)
An Overview of Asia-Pacific supplying countries, impacts and implications
By Xiufang Sun, Eugenia Katsigris, Andy White - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends View PublicationThis study analyzes trends in China’s forest product imports between 1997 and 2003 by both product segment and ports of entry. The same information is provided for each of the main Asia-Pacific countries supplying China. A high growth was experienced in China’s forest product imports between 1997 and 2003 in both timber products and pulp […]
Meeting China’s Demand for Forest Products
An Overview of Import Trends, Ports of Entry, and Supplying Countries, with Emphasis on the Asia-Pacific Region
By Xiufang Sun, Eugenia Katsigiris, and Andy White - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Chinese Center for Agricultural Policy, Center for International Forestry Research View PublicationThis paper provides a brief overview of forest product import trends in both product segment and port of entry, as well as for each of the main Asia-Pacific producer countries supplying China. The paper first describes the overall import trends and then trends by product segment. It next addresses trends in the various ports of […]
Dependent Documents
Meeting China’s Demand for Forest Products (Short Version)
An Overview of Asia-Pacific supplying countries, impacts and implications
By Xiufang Sun, Eugenia Katsigris, Andy White - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest TrendsChina’s Forest Product Import Trends 1997-2002
Analysis of Customs Data with Emphasis on Asia-Pacific Supplying Countries
By Xiufang Sun, Nian Cheng, Andy White, R. Anders West , Eugenia Katsigiris - Forest Trends, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Center for International Forestry Research, DFID View PublicationChina plays a major, and growing, role in the global forest products market today. The largest importer of industrial roundwood in the world since 2001, China is now second only to the United States in total imports of forest products, rising from seventh in less than ten years. In recent years, over 40 percent of […]
China’s Forest Product Exports
An Overview of Trends by Segment and Destinations
By Xiufang Sun, Nian Cheng, Kerstin Canby - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Chinese Center for Agricultural Policy, Center for International Forestry Research, DFID View PublicationIn only 7 years, China’s timber product exports have tripled in volume and increased fourfold in value. The total volume of all forest product exports – including both timber and pulp and paper products – is now one-third of China’s total forest product import volume. The total volume of only primary timber products (excluding pulp […]
China and the Global Market for Forest Products
Transforming Trade to Benefit Forests and Livelihoods
By Andy White, Xiufang Sun, Kerstin Canby, Jintao Xu, Christopher Barr, Eugenia Katsigris, Gary Bull, Christian Cossalter, Sten Nilsson - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, CIFOR, Forest Trends, University of British columbia, CIFOR, IIASA, Rights & Resources Initiative View PublicationChina’s spectacular economic growth over the last decade is having a dramatic impact throughout the world. It has become a leading nation in terms of its demand for forest products, and its influence is being felt as far afield as Cameroon and Cambodia, Indonesia and the United States. China is now in the world’s spotlight, […]
A Brief Overview of China’s Timber Market
By Xiufang Sun, Liqun Wang, Zhenbin Gu - Forest Trends, School of Economics and Management at Beijing Forestry University, School of Economics and Management at Beijing Forestry University, Chinese Center for Agricultural Policy, CIFOR, CEM, Beijing Forestry University, DFID View PublicationChina’s timber market has undergone dramatic changes in recent decades and continues to change rapidly. Currently, timber producers are allowed to market their timber directly to different buyers, although timber harvest and transport remain heavily regulated by the government. China’s primary wood-processing industry and wood-consuming sectors have experienced rapid growth in recent years. Sectors like […]
China Prohibits Office Furniture Made from Precious Woods for Central Government Offices
On June 20, 2016, China issued a new policy regulating all government purchases of office furniture (see note at bottom). The main objective of this new public procurement policy, the Configuration Standards of Office Equipment and Furniture Procured by all Administrative Units of the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as the “Standards”) is to help manage state […]
China’s Logging Ban Impacts Not Just Its Own Forestry Industry, but Others around the World as Well
At first glance, China’s newly announced plans to expand bans on logging in its natural forests and to cut the country’s overall timber harvesting quotas may sound like good news for the environment. But when Forest Trends looked into the ramifications of some of the policies laid out in China’s new Five-Year Plan, here’s what […]