IRS Form 990s

Forest Trends

2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011

Katoomba Group

2020 | 20192018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011

Audited Financial Statements

2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

CEO and Staff Compensation Policy

Forest Trends’ CEO and Staff Compensation Policy (2019)


Grant Agreement between the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation and Forest Trends for the project entitled: “Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity.”

Grant contracts

A&G Blundell Holdings LLC Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2019 $136,000 Contract A&G Blundell Holdings LLC Canadian
Gabrielle Kissinger Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2019 $81,000 Contract Gabrielle Kissinger Canadian
Phuc Xuan To Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2019 $96,096 Contract Phuc Xuan To Vietnamese
Kevin Woods Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2019 $90,000 Contract Kevin Woods American – U.S.A.
A&G Blundell Holdings LLC Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2018 $133,650 Contract A&G Blundell Holdings LLC Canadian
Phuc Xuan To Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2018 $132,000 Contract Phuc Xuan To Vietnamese
Kevin Woods Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2018 $77,350 Contract Kevin Woods American – U.S.A.
A&G Blundell Holdings LLC Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2017 $133,650 Contract A&G Blundell Holdings LLC Canadian
Australian National University – ANU Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2017 $85,680 Contract ANU Australian
Kevin Woods Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade and Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2017 $74,360 Contract Kevin Woods American – U.S.A.
Australian National University – ANU Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2023 $65,512 Contract ANU Vietnamese
Natural Capital Advisors Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2023 $169,457 Contract Natural Capital Advisors Canadian
Kim Ahn Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2023 $48,000 Contract Kim Ahn Vietnamese
Kevin Woods Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2023 $97,774 Contract Kevin Woods USA
Phuc Xuan To Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2023 $176,777 Contract Phuc Xuan To Australian
A&G Blundell Holdings LLC Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2021 $ $242,345 Contract A&G Blundell Holdings LLC Canadian
Phuc Xuan To Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity  


$102,202.48 Contract Phuc Xuan To Australian
Kevin Woods Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2022 $85,359.25 Contract Kevin Woods USA
Phuc Xuan To Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2022 $97,768.00. Contract Phuc Xuan To Australian
Kevin Woods Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2024 $93,500 Contract Kevin Woods USA
Kim Ahn Advancing Global Forest Governance: Ending Illegal Deforestation, Forest Conflict and the Associated Mekong Timber Trade And Defending the Living Amazon for Humanity 2024  


Contract Kim Ahn Vietnamese

Forest Trends will make other project documentation, including the Application and all agreed reports, available to anyone upon request. Note: Requests for disclosure may be denied if such disclosure is prohibited by confidentiality obligations and/or if it may be detrimental to the Forest Trends’ legitimate interests.