Category: forests

Climate Forests Oct 9, 2015

First Draft for Paris Does Not Explicitly Mention REDD+

Gustavo A. Silva-Chávez
Climate Forests Oct 8, 2015

Brazil’s INDC Signals Further Progress, But at Less Ambitious Pace

Gustavo A. Silva-Chávez
Climate Forests Oct 2, 2015

Green Bonds Can Help Brazil Pay for Climate Goals

Will Tucker
Climate Forests Aug 18, 2015

Charcoal: An Important Driver of Deforestation in Africa

Jessica Breitfeller
Agriculture Forests Aug 13, 2015

Lifting the Veil: Deforestation Disguised as Agriculture in Cambodia

Will Tucker
Climate Forests Jun 10, 2015

Surprising Development at UN Climate Meetings: REDD+ Is Finished

Gustavo A. Silva-Chávez
Climate Forests

On the Road to Paris. Next Stop: Bonn, June 2015

Gustavo A. Silva-Chávez