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Biodiversity Communities

A New Agenda for Forest Conservation and Poverty Reduction

Making Markets Work for Low-Income Producers

By Sara J. Scherr, Andy White, David Kaimowitz - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, CIFOR

The future of the world’s forests and the future of millions of the world’s poorest people are inextricably linked. Rural poverty is concentrated in many areas where the world’s biodiversity is most threatened. More than a billion people now live within the world’s 19 forest biodiversity “hotspots” and population growth in the world’s tropical wilderness […]

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Forests Water

Case Studies of Markets and Innovative Financial Mechanisms for Water Services from Forests

This paper examines existing market and financial mechanisms that are being used to provide hydrological services from watersheds and to assist forest owners and policymakers in assessing the advisability and feasibility of using such mechanisms.

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Forestry in China

Policy, Consumption, and Production in Forestry's Newest Superpower

By Jintao Xu, Andy White, Gary Bull, Sten Nilsson, eds. - Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Forest Trends, University of British Columbia, IIASA

China’s forest market is one of the largest in the world in terms of production, consumption, and imports of wood products. Its large forest estate and massive population has meant that it has also for some time been a leading nation in terms of the number of processing plants, number of people employed in the […]

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An Assessment of China’s Forest Resources

By Gary Bull , Sten Nilsson - University of British Columbia, IIASA, Forest Trends
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China’s Pulp and Paper Sector

An Analysis of Supply-Demand Trends and Medium-Term Projections

By Dequan He , Chris Barr - China Economic Consulting, Inc, CIFOR, Forest Trends
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China’s Development of a Plantation-based Wood Pulp Industry

Government Policies, Financial Incentives, and Investment Trends

By Chris Barr , Christian Cossalter - World Agroforestry Centre, CIFOR, Forest Trends
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China’s Forest Sector Markets

Policy Issues and Recommendations

By Sten Nilsson, Gary Bull, Andy White, Jintao Xu - IIASA, University of British Columbia, Forest Trends, CCAP
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Understanding the Chinese Forest Market and Its Global Implications

By Jintao Xu , A. White - Chinese Agricultural Policy, Forest Trends
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The China Forest Products Trade

Overview of Asia-Pacific Supplying Countries, Impacts and Implications

By Eugenia Katsigris, Gary Bull, Andy White, Chris Barr, Keith Barney, Yati Bun, Timothy King, Alexey Lankin, Anatoly Lebedev, Phil Shearman, Alexander Sheingauz, Fredrich Kahrl, Yufang Su, Horst Weyerhaeuser - Forest Trends, University of British Columbia, Forest Trends, Center for International Forestry Research, York University, Foundation for People and Community Development, Forest Information Systems, Far Eastern Ecoregional Project, Worldwide Fund for Nature, Bureau for Regional Oriental Campaigns, University of Papua New Guinea, Economic Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, World Agroforestry Centre, World Agroforestry Centre, World Agroforestry Centre
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China’s Collective Forestlands

Contributions and Constraints

By Guangping Miao , R. Anders West - FEDRC, Forest Trends
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Markets for Biodiversity Services

Potential Roles and Challenges

By Michael Jenkins, Sara J. Scherr, and Mira Inbar - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends

In recent decades, several factors have stimulated those concerned with biodiversity conservation services to begin exploring new market-based instruments. The model of public finance for forest and biodiversity conservation is facing a crisis as the main sources of finance have stagnated, despite the recognition that much larger areas require protection.

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Biodiversity Communities

Who Conserves the World’s Forests? A New Assessment of Conservation and Investment Trends

By Augusta Molnar, Sara J. Scherr, Arvind Khare - Forest Trends, Ecoagriculture Partners, Forest Trends

The current system of protected areas continues to be severely under-funded while not including enough of the world’s priority biodiversity and natural habitats. At the present coverage and quality of protection, biologists estimate that only 50-70% of the existing species will be conserved. It is the thesis of this paper that current proposals for expanding […]

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Who Conserves the World’s Forests? Community-Driven Strategies to Protect Forests and Respect Rights (Policy Brief)

By Augusta Molnar, Sara J. Scherr, Arvind Khare - Forest Trends, Ecoagriculture Partners, Forest Trends
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Communities Forests

China Softwood-Log Commodity Chain and Livelihood Analysis

From the Russian Far East to China

By Alexander Sheingauz, Anatoly Lebedev , Natalia Ye Antonova - Economic Research Institutental Campaigns, Bureau for Regional Oriental Campaigns, Forest Trends, CIFOR, DFID

China has rapidly become one of the world’s largest importers of wood. The volumes of logs, sawn wood, wood panels, and pulp and paper products shipped to China by producer countries in Southeast Asia, the Russian Far East (RFE), Siberia and other regions have grown especially sharply since China implemented a partial ban on logging […]

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Illegal Forest Activities in the Asia Pacific Rim

By Arnoldo Contreras Hermosilla - Forest Trends

Illegal forest activities within the Asia Pacific countries have generated a host of negative impacts on the economy, the poor, and the quality of forest management. It is in the interest of all of the stakeholders – from local communities to national politicians to logging companies to international donors – to work together to ensure […]

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An Overview of the Market Chain for China’s Timber Product Imports from Myanmar

By Fredrich Kahrl, Horst Weyerhaeuser, and Su Yufang - World Agroforestry Centre, World Agroforestry Centre, World Agroforestry Centre, Forest Trends, DFID, CIFOR

China’s annual timber product imports from Myanmar more than tripled between 1997 and 2002. Although imports from Myanmar comprise just over two percent of China’s total timber product imports, the nascent increase in logging activities along the Chinese border in Myanmar has been highly concentrated in natural forests in Myanmar’s northern Kachin State, and the […]

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Communities Forests

Certification in Complex Socio-Political Settings

Looking forward to the Next Decade

By Michael Richards - Forest Trends

There is little evidence of certification’s impact on checking illegal logging, corruption and other severe forest governance problems. This is not surprising since these problems derive from problems in the legal, regulatory and policy framework, and public respect for law and order – problems unlikely to be much affected by a market instrument (with a […]

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Annex 4: Forest Certification in Indonesia

By Marcus Colchester - Forest Peoples Programme, Forest Trends
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Annex 1: La Experiencia Boliviana en la Certificación Forestal

By Henry Moreno Sanjines - Forest Trends
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Annex 2: Brazil Forest Certification Case Study

By Andre de Freitas - IMAFLORA, Forest Trends
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Annex 3: West and Central Africa

Progress and Prospects for Forest Certification

By Mike Packer - Timbmet Group, Forest Trends
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Annex 5: Forest Certification in Malaysia

By Saskia Ozinga - Forest Trends
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Annex 6: The Experience of the Russian Producers’ Group

By Andrey Ptichnikov - Forest Trends
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Annex 7: Priluzye Model Forest Certification Case

By Mikhail Karpachevskiy - Forest Trends
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Forest Products Trade Between Russia & China

Potential Production, Processing, Consumption and Trade Scenarios

By Steven Northway , Gary Q. Bull - University of British Columbia (UBC), Forest Trends, Rights & Resources Initiative (RRI)

This synthesis report depicts future trends in forest products processing, consumption and trade between China and its main suppliers, with a particular focus on Siberia and the Russian Far East. It is based on the findings of the International Forest and Forest Products (IFFP) trade model analysis completed by Northway & Bull 2007. The first […]