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Climate Forests Investments

Mapping Financial Flows for REDD+ and Land Use in Brazil

National and Subnational Analysis for the Period 2009 through 2016

By Ana Carolina Bastida da Silva, Mariano Colini Cenamo, Gustavo Silva Chávez
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This new report by Forest Trends and IDESAM (Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia) shows that over US$2.2 billion in REDD+ funds have been used by Brazil to implement deforestation policies and recommends that more finance should go directly to the stakeholders who are implementing the deforestation policies, in particular subnational governments, indigenous peoples, farmers and local communities of the Amazon. The report also finds that Brazil needs to receive more finance for the actual emissions reductions that have been achieved in the past decade, (i.e., results-based payments). Since the goal of the REDD+ mechanism is to “slow, halt and reverse forest cover loss and the related emissions”, countries that reduce emissions need to receive compensation for doing so.

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Mapping Financial Flows for REDD+ and Land Use in Brazil (Portuguese)/Mapeamento dos Fluxos Financeiros para REDD+ e Uso da Terra no Brasil

Análise nacional e subnacional para período de 2009 a 2016

By Ana Carolina Bastida da Silva, Mariano Colini Cenamo, Gustavo Silva Chávez - IDESAM, Forest Trends