Lineamientos para la identificación de las inversiones de Ampliación Marginal, Reposición y Rehabilitación (IOARR) que se enmarcan como inversiones en la tipología de Ecosistemas
By Ministerio del AmbienteEn los “Lineamientos para la identificación y registro de las inversiones de optimización, ampliación marginal, reposición y rehabilitación (IOARR)” aprobado mediante Resolución Directoral N° 004-2019-EF/63.01 en el marco de la normatividad vigente del SNPMGI, se establecen orientaciones a los órganos del para que las intervenciones de estas inversiones sean puntuales, selectivas, y específicas sobre[…]
A Green Growth Spurt
State of Forest Carbon Finance 2021
By Patrick Maguire, Stephen Donofrio, William Merry, Kim Myers, Laura Weatherer, Jordan Wildish, and Steve ZwickIt’s been 30 years since Applied Energy Services teamed up with the World Resources Institute and the humanitarian aid organization CARE to pilot the first known use of carbon finance to slow climate change by saving forests. That project, dubbed “Mi Bosque” (“My Forest”), reversed deforestation by helping Guatemalan farmers implement agroforestry practices that increased […]
Infografía – Infraestructura natural para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres
Las soluciones de infraestructura natural complementan las de infraestructura gris para reducir los riesgos y peligros desencadenados por lluvias intensas o de larga duración: erosión hídrica, movimientos en masa e inundaciones. Figuras adaptadas del metaanálisis: Infraestructura natural para la gestión de riesgos de erosión e inundaciones en los Andes: ¿Qué sabemos?
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Infraestructura natural para la gestión de riesgos de erosión e inundaciones en los Andes: ¿Qué sabemos?
By Armando Molina, Veerle Vanacker, Miluska Rosas Barturen , Vivien Bonnesoeur, Francisco Román, Boris F. Ochoa-Tocachi, Wouter BuytaertPara poder evaluar el estado del conocimiento respecto al impacto de las intervenciones sobre la infraestructura natural en la erosión hídrica, los movimientos en masa de origen hídrico y las inundaciones en la región andina, se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica que incluye más de 137 estudios de casos locales. En esta[…]
The United Kingdom Timber Regulation: Changing the Market to Protect Forests?
By Marigold Norman and Jade SaundersThe European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) came into force in 2013 to tackle illegal logging and drive demand for legally harvested timber products, by prohibiting the placement of illegally sourced timber on the European Union (EU) market. In the United Kingdom (UK), the EUTR came into force through the UK Timber and Timber Products (Placing […]
Illicit Harvest, Complicit Goods
The State of Illegal Deforestation for Agriculture
By Cassie Dummett, Arthur Blundell, Kerstin Canby, Michael Wolosin, and Eszter BodnarWhile subsistence agriculture and logging still contribute to deforestation, commercial-scale agricultural expansion is now recognized as by far the single largest driver of deforestation worldwide and thus also of greenhouse gas emissions from land-use change. Several initiatives have quantified how much and where deforestation is driven by commercial agriculture, and even how much of this […]
Dependent Documents
Illicit Harvest, Complicit Goods: Executive Summary
The State of Illegal Deforestation for Agriculture
By Cassie Dummett, Arthur Blundell, Kerstin Canby, Michael Wolosin, and Eszter BodnarIllicit Harvest, Complicit Goods: Case Studies Annex
The State of Illegal Deforestation for Agriculture
By Cassie Dummett, Arthur Blundell, Kerstin Canby, Michael Wolosin, and Eszter BodnarDireito Indígena á Consulta e ao Consentimento Livre, Prévio e Informado (Indigenous rights to Free, Prior and Informed Consent and Consultation
Indigenous rights to Free, Prior, Informed Consent (FPIC)
Porque cuidarnos es lo más importante – Protejamos a nuestra comunidad de la COVID – 19
Cartilla dirigida a comunidades de la sierra
By Zarela EstabridisEsta cartilla incorpora las recomendaciones del Ministerio de Salud del Perú, la Organización Mundial de la Salud y otras entidades locales, en torno a cómo prevenir el coronavirus en comunidades de la sierra. Explica de forma sencilla qué es el coronavirus, cómo actúa, cuales son los síntomas y cómo nos podemos proteger en la comunidad[…]
How is the European Union Timber Regulation Impacting Industry Due Diligence and Sourcing Practices?
By Marigold NormanThe European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) came into force in 2013 with the aim to tackle illegal logging and associated trade, by prohibiting the placement of illegally sourced timber on the European Union (EU) market. Eight years later, the European Commission is undertaking a Fitness Check of the EUTR, including a review of how the[…]
The Net Zero Transition and Offsetting of Carbon Intensity in Retail Investment Portfolios
By Rupert EdwardsThe financial sector is witnessing a rapid evolution in climate metrics, driven by both regulatory pressure and consumer-driven trends toward sustainable investment, helping investors prioritize lower carbon investments. Overlooked to date has been the potential for product offerings that mobilize demand for carbon offsets from investors. This paper argues that the development of consumer-facing financial[…]