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Peru Timber Legality Risk Dashboard

By Forest Trends
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Illegal logging is widespread and a high percentage of Peru’s timber exports are high-risk for illegal harvest. Fraud and corruption are common and there is a risk that illegal timber is laundered into supply chains for all species. Official documentation is therefore not, in and of itself, sufficient to guarantee the legal origin of timber sourced from the Amazon.

Despite several high-profile enforcement operations that revealed systemic fraud and illegal logging, enforcement is limited and Peru still lacks a system to track or verify back to the forest. There have been attempts to weaken OSINFOR, the government agency charged with supervision and audit of the harvest and conservation of forest following industry pressure. There have been several high-profile cases under the U.S. Lacey Act, and actions taken under the United States–Peru Trade Promotion Agreement highlighting that illegal timber from Peru is entering international markets. Violence and land grabbing of indigenous territories continues to be tied to illegal logging in Peru’s Amazon.