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Communities Forests Investments

Quotas, Powers, Patronage, and Illegal Rent-Seeking

The Political Economy and the Timber Trade in Southern Laos

By Ian G. Baird

Forests are extremely important to the people of Laos. They are the basis for the livelihoods of most of those living in rural areas, especially the poor and Laos’ large population of indigenous peoples. Forests are also an important source of government revenue, and Lao forests are being increasingly recognized for the high levels of […]

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Aprendendo sobre Serviços Ambientais

By Marina Campos

Pagamentos por serviços ambientais (PSA), tais como os mercados de carbono, têm o potencial de gerar novas fontes de recursos para a conservação da biodiversidade e melhorar os meios de sustento das comunidades locais. Na medida em que esquemas de crédito de carbono, tais como seqüestro de carbono por reflorestamento e redução das emissões do […]

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Climate Forests Investments

The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise (ROSE) – Brief:

A Tool for Prioritizing Sub-National REDD Opportunities and Constraints Experiences in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda

By Katoomba Incubator

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Communities Forests

Pro-Poor REDD – How will we Know?

Social Impact Assessment of Land-based Carbon Activities

By Forest Trends, Rainforest Alliance - The Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA), Fauna & Flora International (FFI)

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State of Biodiversity Markets 2009

Offset and Compensation Programs Worldwide

By Becca Madsen, Nathaniel Carroll, Kelly Moore Brands

This report provides the status and trends of biodiversity offset and compensatory mitigation programs by geographical region. In each section, the report summarizes the total active programs and developing activities, and broad metrics like total known payments and land area protected or restored. In each region, we also analyze the characteristics of offset programs—what drives […]

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Forests Investments

Amendment to the U.S. Lacey Act

Implications for Exporters of Thailand's Forest Products

By R. Juge Gregg

A new law gives the U.S. government the power to fine – and even jail – individuals and companies who deal in illegally harvested or trafficked wood products. The U.S. government can even use this law, called the Lacey Act, to impose significant penalties on individuals and companies who do not realize that their wood […]

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[Thai Version] Amendment to the U.S. Lacey Act

Implications for Exporters of Thailand's Forest Products

By R. Juge Gregg
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Katoomba Ecosystem Services Incubator

Connecting communities, conservation, and markets

The Katoomba Ecosystem Services Incubator is a specialized vehicle to provide strategic support to projects in a way that facilitates access to the massive financial flows and business interest that have largely been directed elsewhere. Our aim is to increase high-quality, solid supply of ecosystem services.

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Climate Forests Investments

State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2009

Taking Root and Branching Out

By Katherine Hamilton, Unna Chokkalingam, Maria Bendana - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace

This report was created to increase transparency and answer fundamental questions about the supply of forestry-based carbon credits, such as transaction volumes, credit prices, hectares influenced and tenure rights. It outlines the aggregate numbers from our survey of 61 project developers and 34 intermediaries representing 226 projects across 40 countries. This report is entirely based […]

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Executive Summary: State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2009

Taking Root and Branching Out

By Kate Hamilton, Unna Chokkalingam, Maria Bendana - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace
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El Estado de los Mercados de Carbono Forestal

By Katherine Hamilton, Unna Chokkalingam, Maria Bendana - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace
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Biodiversity Water

Payments for Ecosystem Services: Getting Started in Marine and Coastal Ecosystems

A Primer

By Forest Trends

Healthy and robust marine ecosystems provide the underpinnings for profitable industries and support coastal communities throughout the world. In addition, oceans play crucial roles in regulating the atmosphere and modulating weather, storing carbon, cycling nutrients, and providing other ecosystem services. Coastal areas provide essential resources, buffer land from storms, and provide living space for almost […]

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Pago por Servicios Ambientales

Primeros Pasos en Ecosistemas Marinos y Costeros - PROYECTO/DRAFT

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Biodiversity Climate Water

Paying Poseidon: Financing the Protection of Valuable Ecosystem Services

By Steve Zwick, Rob Luke, Ameer Abdulla, Erik Ness, Alice Kenny, Tundi Agardy, Winnie Lau - Ecosystem Marketplace, IUCN, Forest Trends, Forest Trends

Global climate-change talks in Copenhagen might not have yielded a new greenhouse-gas protocol, but they did yield an agreement on the need to develop financing mechanisms that reward people in developing countries for saving their rainforests and adopting sustainable land-use practices — both of which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by capturing carbon in trees […]