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Forests Investments

Serie de carbono forestal a inicios del 2014

Implicacioes y oportunidades para America Latina

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This issue of our Insights Series/Acercamientos was produced by, the Spanish-language sister site of Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace, for a February 2014 event in Bogotá, Colombia that focuses on results from COP19 and the state of economic incentives for ecosystem services.

Part 1 present the current state of forest carbon finance based on the State of the Forest Carbon Market Report 2013; Part 2 discusses key elements that contextualize forest carbon mitigation in Latin America; Part 3 describes forest carbon-related decisions and announcements made at COP19. The final part looks at how Peru –host country for COP20 in December 2014 – views COP19 decisions on forest carbon and how landscape-scale perspectives play an increasingly important role in climate change finance.