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Communities Water

Research Summary: Potential contributions of pre-Inca water infiltration infrastructure for water security in the Andes

By Boris F. Ochoa-Tocachi, Juan D. Bardales, Javier Antiporta, Katya Pérez, Luis Acosta, Feng Mao, Zed Zulkafli, Junior Gil-Ríos, Oscar Angulo, Sam Grainger, Gena Gammie, Bert De Bièvre, and Wouter Buytaert
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There is great interest in Peru in nature-based solutions and “green” infrastructure, which can be gradually implemented, adjusted after implementation and can provide several benefits that make them compatible with adapting to climate change. This research summary describes results from a study published in Nature Sustainability, “Potential contributions of pre-Inca water infiltration infrastructure for water security in the Andes.” The study’s results show that alternative approaches that integrate elements of indigenous practices and solutions based on natural hydrological functions can safeguard water security.