Forest Carbon and Local Livelihoods
Assessments of Opportunities and Policy Recommendations
By Joyotee Smith, and Sara Scherr - CIFOR, Forest Trends, DIFD, GTZ, The Rockefeller Foundation, USAID, Future Harvest, CGIARThis paper brings together insights from emerging forestry and conservation paradigms and investigates their relevance for the debate on the social impact of CDM forestry.
Opportunities and Constraints to Investment
Natural Tropical Forest Industries
By Kerstin Canby , Cary Raditz - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, ITTOThe global forest products industry represents close to 3% of the world’s gross economic output, and the forests upon which it depends are particularly important ecosystems for the health of the planet and for human well-being. The size of the industry, its links to the rest-of-the-world economy, and the centrality of its resource base to […]
Risk Mitigation in Forestry
Linkages with Kyoto and Sustainable Forestry Management
By Charles Eyre, Justin Mundy, ARM - Forest TrendsThis paper aims to illustrate some of the new influences which are affecting the forestry sector globally; it also highlights some of the opportunities and constraints which are becoming apparent. The report focuses on the role of forestry within the climate change debate. This has been done for two reasons; first, because the sector plays […]
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Forest Company-Community Agreements in Brazil
Current Status and Opportunities for Action
Agreements between the private forest sector and local forest communities have been increasingly recognized as a potential solution to some problems related to poverty alleviation, increasing demand for wood products and the need to increase the global forest area under sustainable forest management. Very little is known about the Brazilian experience on these types of […]
Meeting China’s Demand for Forest Products
An Overview of Import Trends, Ports of Entry, and Supplying Countries, with Emphasis on the Asia-Pacific Region
By Xiufang Sun, Eugenia Katsigiris, and Andy White - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Chinese Center for Agricultural Policy, Center for International Forestry ResearchThis paper provides a brief overview of forest product import trends in both product segment and port of entry, as well as for each of the main Asia-Pacific producer countries supplying China. The paper first describes the overall import trends and then trends by product segment. It next addresses trends in the various ports of […]
Dependent Documents
Meeting China’s Demand for Forest Products (Short Version)
An Overview of Asia-Pacific supplying countries, impacts and implications
By Xiufang Sun, Eugenia Katsigris, Andy White - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest TrendsA Place in the World
Tenure Security and Community Livelihoods
By Lynn Ellsworth - Forest TrendsThis paper provides a literature overview and analysis, paying special attention to arguments about what tenure security is and how it is related to the goal of helping communities build assets and improve their livelihoods, especially communities living in and around natural forests.
Logging, Legality and Livelihoods in Papua New Guinea
Sythesis of Official Assessments of the Large-Scale Logging Industry Volume I
By Forest TrendsBetween 2000 and 2005, in response to a widely held view that forest management in Papua New Guinea was not providing long-term benefits to the country or its citizens, and to assess the implementation and effectiveness of the new governance regime introduced in the PNG Forestry Act of 1991, the Papua New Guinea government commissioned […]
Capital Markets and Sustainable Forestry
Opportunities for Investment
By Constance Best , Michael Jenkins - The Pacific Forest Trust, Forest TrendsIn this report, we frame the differences in the business models of conventional forestry and sustainable forestry. We cover the sustainable forestry sector “from the forest to the floor”, along its value chain of business enterprises. We consider the varying situation in tropical, temperate and, to some degree, boreal forests. We endeavor to give a […]
Forest Company-Community Agreements in Mexico
Identifying Succesful Models
Agreements between the private sector and local forest communities have been increasingly recognized as a potential solution to problems related to poverty alleviation, the increasing demand for wood products, and the need to increase the part of global forest area that is under sustainable forest management. Mexico represents one of the few countries that have […]
China’s Forest Product Import Trends 1997-2002
Analysis of Customs Data with Emphasis on Asia-Pacific Supplying Countries
By Xiufang Sun, Nian Cheng, Andy White, R. Anders West , Eugenia Katsigiris - Forest Trends, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Center for International Forestry Research, DFIDChina plays a major, and growing, role in the global forest products market today. The largest importer of industrial roundwood in the world since 2001, China is now second only to the United States in total imports of forest products, rising from seventh in less than ten years. In recent years, over 40 percent of […]