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Forests Investments

Tanzania: Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2014

By Erneus Kaijage, George Kafumu - Forest Trends, United Republic of Tanzania
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This report presents the findings of the second and third rounds of REDD+ finance tracking in Tanzania for the period 2009–2014 under the Forest Trends REDDX initiative. The first and second rounds of REDD+ finance tracking were conducted for the period of 2009–2012 and 2009–2013; this report updates and extends those findings through 2014.

Overall, the REDD+ financing situation in Tanzania remained relatively steady throughout 2014, with no new significant pledges or commitments made. However, disbursements of funds continued to increase in 2013 and 2014, reaching an overall disbursement rate of nearly 81% of all funds committed by 2014. Yet, due to an
overall lack of significant new commitments since 2009, the flow of funds from donors declined significantly
following the ending of the five-year funding program of the Norwegian Climate and Forest Initiative in Tanzania and the UN-REDD Programme. Accordingly a number of REDD+ readiness activities ceased operation due to lack of new funding.