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Agriculture Forests

Progress on the New York Declaration on Forests: Eliminating Deforestation from the Production of Agricultural Commodities, Goal 2 Assessment Report

By Charlotte Streck, Franziska Haupt, and Stephanie Roe (Lead Authors) and Katharina Behm, Alan Kroeger, and Ingrid Schulte, with contributions from Xavier Andrillon, Stephen Donofrio, Jeff Hayward, Sarah Lake, Ben McCarthy, Katie McCoy, Rafel Servent, and Francesca Ward.
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In September 2014, the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF) outlined 10 goals that provide endorsers—including countries, subnational governments, companies, indigenous groups, and NGOs— with ambitious global targets to protect forests and end natural forest loss by 2030. This report focuses on Goal 2: eliminating deforestation from agricultural commodity supply chains. It draws on data from Supply Change and many other sources to provide a coherent picture of the “state of play” of efforts to ensure that agrocommodity supply chains are free of  deforestation.