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Climate Forests Investments

State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2007

Picking Up Steam

By Katherine Hamilton, Ricardo Bayon, Guy Turner, Douglas Higgins
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On July 17th, 2007, Ecosystem Marketplace and New Carbon Finance issued one of the first ever in-depth reports on the voluntary carbon market.

State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2007: Picking Up Steam is a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the voluntary carbon market with information on prices and volumes traded, as well as an analysis of current trends and buyer motivations. The report includes data gathered from both buyers and sellers and offers a detailed summary of the nature of transactions in the voluntary carbon sector and predicted growth.

Key findings of the report include:

  • Approximately 23.7 MtCO2e were transacted in 2006, with a volume-weighted average price of US$4.1 per ton. It is estimated that the total value of this market is US$ 91 million.
  • About 43% of tons of carbon sold in the market came from North America (largely the US).
  • The market is currently dominated by three types of projects: forestry, renewables, and industrial gases.

The Ecosystem Marketplace and New Carbon Finance worked jointly on the report, which was sponsored by EcoSecurities, Evolution Markets, and MGM International. Other collaborators include Driving Green, The Carbon Neutral Company, The Trust for Public Land, Blue Source, and the Australian government initiative ‘Greenhouse Friendly’.