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Climate Forests Investments

LIBERIA Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2012

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Forest Trends REDDX initiative works with in-country civil society partners and national governments to track REDD+ finance and present a national REDD+ financing picture. This report details findings, national context, and analysis for Liberia:
Liberia contains 4.3 million hectares of lowland tropical forest; however, these forests are under threat from the encroachment of agriculture and mining activities, and illegal and uncontrolled logging due to weak management and forest sector policies. In order to combat both forest loss and climate change, the national government of Liberia is developing a national strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and degradation. In this report, the REDDX in-country partner, Skills and Agricultural Development Services collaborated with Liberia’s Forestry Development Authority and the Environmental Protection Agency explore how the US$9.5 million committed for Liberia’s REDD+ process between 2009 and 2012 has been used.