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Agriculture Forests

Impacts of Supply Chain Commitments on the Forest Frontier

The State of the Supply Chain Movement: Progress on Corporate Commitments and Impact at the Forest Frontier

By Thiago Chagas, Charlotte Streck, Hilda Galt, Steve Zwick, Ingrid Schulte, Alan Kroeger, Ashley Thompson
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Since the 2010 Consumer Goods Forum Deforestation Resolution, more than 473 companies have made commitments to eliminate deforestation from their supply chains. With 70% of deforestation linked to the production of agricultural commodities, these pledges hold the promise of making a major contribution to the end of tropical deforestation. This raises two questions: 1) What is the current state of these supply chain efforts; and 2) Are they having an impact on land-use choices at the forest frontier?

TFA 2020 commissioned research aiming to answer these questions, and in June 2018 published the findings in two reports: Progress on Corporate Commitments and their Implementation and Impacts of Supply Chain Commitments on the Forest Frontier.

Impacts of Supply Chain Commitments on the Forest Frontier explores how supply chain commitments have transformed the broader political and socioeconomic environment in forest countries. The findings indicate that while deforestation does continue in areas not covered by commitments, the supply chain movement is having an impact on the ground, particularly by encouraging more transparency and accountability.