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Agriculture Forests

Briefing Notes on State-of-Play of Demand-side Measures: Oslo Tropical Forest Forum

How can demand-side measures enhance inclusive governance of deforestation-free supply chains?

By Michael Wolosin
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In partnership with Amsterdam Declarations Partnership and Trase, the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum is hosting an open interactive multi-stakeholder dialogue on the 29th of June 2021 to discuss the opportunities and challenges of deforestation-free demand-side measures to foster inclusive approaches for supply chain governance. The dialogue will include expert presentations on the state of play of demand side measures as well as critical perspectives from diverse stakeholders.

Four briefing notes with expert overviews of different contexts on demand-side measures to foster deforestation-free, sustainable commodity supply chains, were prepared ahead of the webinar and were presented in the first Plenary of the dialogue. Authors of the briefing notes are:

• Helen Bellfield (Trase/Global Canopy), in the context of Europe.
• Michael Wolosin (Forest Trends), in the context of the United States.
• Chunquan Zhu (Tropical Forest Alliance/ World Economic Forum, China), in the context of China.
• Isabel Garcia Drigo (Imaflora) commitments by consumer-facing companies and the financial sector with emphasis on the Brazilian context.