Canada and USAID expand their commitment to support Peru to protect and restore natural infrastructure for water security and climate resilience with plans to invest over $50 million in 10 years

January 16, 2024 / The Government of Canada and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are pleased to announce the extension of their joint project: Natural Infrastructure for Water Security (NIWS). The purpose of NIWS is to scale up gender-sensitive investments in natural infrastructure to strengthen water security and climate resilience in Peru. […]

USAID y Canadá amplían su compromiso con las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza para la resiliencia climática y la seguridad hídrica en Perú, en colaboración con Forest Trends

16 de enero de 2024 / La Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) y el Gobierno de Canadá se complacen en anunciar un nuevo e importante compromiso para aumentar las inversiones sensibles al género en infraestructura natural para fortalecer la seguridad hídrica y la resiliencia climática en el Perú. El proyecto […]

Canadá y los Estados Unidos renuevan su compromiso conjunto de apoyar al Perú en la protección y restauración de la infraestructura natural para la seguridad hídrica y la resiliencia climática, con planes de invertir más de USD $50 millones en 10 años

16 de enero de 2024 / El Gobierno de Canadá y los Estados Unidos, a través de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), se complacen en anunciar la extensión de su proyecto conjunto: Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica (NIWS, por sus siglas en inglés). El propósito de NIWS es […]

Women as Essential Climate Leaders: Transforming Water Management Leadership in Peru

As the first woman president of the Federation of Kechwa Chazuta Amazonia Indigenous Peoples (FEPIKECHA), Marisol García Apagüeño represents about 3,000 people from 11 communities in the San Martín region of Peru. Although half of this organization are women, until 2021 there was an organizational bylaw stipulating that only apus — predominately male indigenous authorities— […]

Peru Timber Legality Risk Dashboard

Illegal logging is widespread and a high percentage of Peru’s timber exports are high-risk for illegal harvest. Fraud and corruption are common and there is a risk that illegal timber is laundered into supply chains for all species. Official documentation is therefore not, in and of itself, sufficient to guarantee the legal origin of timber […]

O Mecanismo de Governança Territorial lança projetos com comunidades locais e indígenas no Peru, Equador, Costa Rica e Panamá

O Mecanismo de Governança Territorial (MGT) nasceu das parcerias entre a Forest Trends e as organizações territoriais locais e indígenas da América Latina, em resposta às suas demandas por mais acompanhamento técnico e mais acesso a financiamento climático e de conservação canalizado diretamente para os territórios. Os guardiões da floresta têm grande necessidade de acompanhamento […]

El Mecanismo de Gobernanza Territorial pone en marcha proyectos con comunidades locales e indígenas en Perú, Ecuador, Costa Rica y Panamá

El Mecanismo de Gobernanza Territorial (MGT) nace de la colaboración entre Forest Trends y organizaciones locales territoriales e indígenas de América Latina, en respuesta a sus necesidad de mayor demanda  de  acompañamiento  tecnico y más acceso a  financiamiento climáticola financiación y para la y la conservación, y que esta sea  canalizada directamente a los territorios. […]

The Territorial Governance Facility launches projects with local and indigenous communities in Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Panama

The Territorial Governance Facility (MGT; “the Facility”) was born from the partnerships between Forest Trends and indigenous and local territorial organizations in Latin America in response to their demands for more technical assistance and climate and conservation funding channeled directly to territories. Forest stewards have great need for technical and financial assistance to protect their […]

Natural Infrastructure for Water Security in Peru

Breaking barriers for Natural Infrastructure in Peru The Natural Infrastructure for Water Security (NIWS) project aims to scale up investments in natural infrastructure in Peru to safeguard water supplies and increase climate resilience. It is funded and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government of Canada. Peruvians are no […]