Webinar: The True Cost of REDD+ Carbon Credits: Aligning Prices with High-Integrity Standards
Forest Trends, Nature4Climate and the UN Environment Programme hosted this webinar focusing on forecasts and expectations for REDD+ carbon pricing.
The global demand, and associated price, for high-quality carbon removal credits seems to be rising, yet the past two years has seen the price of many REDD+ credits remain well below $10 per ton. While these low prices may be enough to dissuade tree clearance in some places, in others it will likely remain more lucrative to pursue other activities, such as clearing forests for agricultural commodities. In fact, analysis by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has suggested that a price between US$30-50 per tonne for nature-based credits is required to incentivize widespread, large-scale action. Of course, any increase in the price per tonne is dependent upon buyer confidence in the quality of credits, as well as having a clear business case, which includes consideration of their Scope 3 emissions.
What do recent developments in the REDD+ space – including the major breakthrough for Article 6 at COP29 and the approval by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) of three REDD+ crediting methodologies under its Core Carbon Principles (CCP) – mean for REDD+ carbon credit pricing?
This one-hour webinar featured a introduction to the context surrounding REDD+ pricing and a presentation of Ecosystem Marketplace data on the topic, followed by a moderated discussion between a distinguished panel of experts.
- Lucy Almond, Executive Director, Nature4Climate
- Alex Procton, Associate Manager for Data Solutions and Insights, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace
- Nathan Truitt, Executive Vice President, AFF
- Gabriel Labbate, Head, Climate Mitigation Unit, UNEP
- Roselyn Fosuah Adjei, Director, Climate Change at Ghana’s Forestry Commission
- Theresia Ott, Rio Tinto