New York Climate Week: Making the Priceless Valuable
Ethic, 99 Hudson St 17th floor, New York, NY 10013, USA
September 25, 2024 | 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST
Location: Ethic HQ
Conveners: Forest Trends, Encourage Capital, and Ethic
The last three decades have been a time of tremendous breakthroughs in harnessing the power of the global economy to bring value to nature. We’ve seen a proliferation of market-based instruments like carbon markets, sustainability certifications (think FSC-certified timber and Rainforest Alliance coffee), biodiversity markets, investments in “natural infrastructure,” stormwater credit trading, and more, come into play.
But these instruments operate in silos and often struggle to scale. There’s little cross fertilization, low transparency, and not enough sharing of experience across markets or geographies. No one market is a silver bullet for bringing value to nature; we need a whole portfolio of solutions. Otherwise, these tools will never deliver finance for a green transition as initially hoped.
So this year at Climate Week, we’re bringing together experts from across carbon markets, water markets, biodiversity markets, ESG policy, government, tech, and finance to help drive that vision. We’ll preview new tools and data that can help us build a mental map of the entire universe of markets and market-like tools that put the power of the economy to work for the planet. We’ll take stock of where we currently stand and where we need to go to bring nature into the economic system.
David Sternlicht – Ethic
Ricardo Bayon – Encourage Capital
David Antonioli – Transition Finance
Mariana Sarmiento – Terrasos
Tim Male – Environmental Policy Innovation Center
Genevieve Bennett – Forest Trends