Mining and Biodiversity: Rehabilitating Coal Mine Sites

John Rolfe

Concerns about environmental impacts have become widespread over the past four decades. In most of regional Australia, these concerns have focused on the activities of the agricultural and mining industries, as these are often the only economic activities in many regions.


Non-BBOP Compensatory Conservation Case Studies – 2009

Susie Brownlie - BBOP

A summary of non-BBOP biodiversity offset case studies. Published in 2009.


Realising nature’s value

The Final Report of the Ecosystem Markets Task Force

Ecosystem Markets Task Force

The Ecosystem Markets Task Force: introduction The Ecosystem Markets Task Force is a practical, business led review of the business opportunities that arise from valuing nature correctly. The work of the Task Force is a key commitment in the Government’s Natural Environment White Paper, ‘The Natural Choice’. The White Paper’s ambition is to create “a […]


Road Risks & Environmental Impact Assessments in Malaysian Road Infrastructure Projects

Dr Mohammed Alamgir, Dr Mason J. Campbell, Dr Sean Sloan , Dr Wong Ee Phin, Prof. William F. Lau

Roads can promote economic growth and social integration but they can also initiate environmental, economic and socio-political harms. In many cases, these harms can be considerably minimised and the road benefits maximised through proactive planning by road engineers and effective Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs).