Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) in Corporate Natural Capital Accounting (CNCA)

Technical Report

Dickie, Ian, Koshy, Adams, ten Kate, Kerry and von Hase, Amrei


Business Planning for Biodiversity Net Gain

A Roadmap

Kerry ten Kate and Susie Brownlie, Julia Baker, Joshua Berger, Anne-Marie Bor, Wijnand Broer, Frederique Desmoulins, Steven Dickinson, Mark Goedkoop, Colette Grosscurt, Amrei von Hase, Patrick Maguire and Roel Nozeman


Business Planning for Biodiversity Net Gain

Technical Notes to the Roadmap

Kerry ten Kate, Susie Brownlie with Julia Baker, Joshua Berger, Anne-Marie Bor, Wijnand Broer, Frederique Desmoulins, Steven Dickinson, Mark Goedkoop, Colette Grosscurt, Amrei von Hase, Patrick Maguire and Roel Nozeman


Government Planning for Biodiversity Net Gain

Technical Notes to the Roadmap

Kerry ten Kate


Government Planning for Biodiversity Net Gain

Technical Notes to the Roadmap

Kerry ten Kate


Improving the Implementation of the Mitigation Hierarchy through Policy

Benchmark for Review of Policy Measures

Kerry ten Kate, Amrei von Hase