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InSight Crime: Protected Areas: Illegal Timber Strongholds in the Bolivian Amazon
For years in Bolivia, high-value woods like cedar and the mara variety of mahogany have been felled to feed domestic and international construction and furniture markets. Rampant timber trafficking in national parks and natural reserves is contributing to deforestation, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. Featuring FT data.
SGGP News: Carbon credit market offers sustainable revenue
There have been positive signs since the Vietnamese Government committed to the goal of Net Zero Carbon Emission in 2050. According to Phuc Xuan To, Managing Director of our Forestry Policy, Trade and Finance Program, Vietnam has a high potential when taking part in the carbon market.
Perú21: Invertirán s/40,5 millones para recuperar infraestructura natural de la cuenca alta del río Chancay-Huaral
En un avance significativo para la adaptación al cambio climático, mediante la recuperación de los ecosistemas en la provincia de Huaral, el Gobierno Regional de Lima aprobó la ejecución del proyecto de inversión pública Cuenca Alta del río Chancay-Huaral, con una inversión total de S/ 40,5 millones.
Nong nghiep Vietnam: ‘Path of life’ for Vietnam’s wood industry: FSC certification, ‘visa card’ of exported wooden furniture
Sustainable forest management certification (FSC) is considered the ‘visa card’ of Vietnam’s wood and wood products exported to demanding markets around the world. Phuc Xuan To, Managing Director of our FPTF team in Vietnam, emphasizes the importance of this around EUDR compliance.
Mongabay: Liberia puts a wartime logger in charge of its forests
In February, Liberia’s newly inaugurated president, Joseph Boakai, appointed notorious logger Rudolph Merab to head the country’s Forestry Development Authority. Environmental advocates describe Merab as an opponent of community forestry and donor-driven conservation projects. Includes FT findings on the state of Liberia’s timber industry.
Mongabay: International hesitancy to adopt environmental regulations threatens Indigenous rights
In recent years, state and corporate actors have been hesitant to adopt measures to reach climate and biodiversity goals, in some cases watering down regulatory frameworks or pulling out of voluntary commitments. Critics warn that a lack of such regulations could deprive Indigenous peoples of important protections to safeguard and guarantee their rights. Includes analysis […]
Perú21: Perú aprobó norma para la protección de humedales amenazados
Los humedales, que son vitales para la gestión hídrica y la biodiversidad, se encuentran en constante amenaza en el Perú. Ante dicha situación, se dio un paso importante para fortalecer su protección al aprobarse los “Criterios para la priorización de humedales en el Perú”. Para la elaboración de estos “Criterios de priorización de humedales”, se contó […]
VnEconomy: Vietnam Poised to Harness the Power of Carbon Markets
As the world grapples with the urgent need to tackle climate change, Vietnam is making significant strides in establishing a domestic carbon trading system that could unlock substantial economic and environmental benefits. Includes some important insights from Phuc Xuan To, Managing Director of our forest policy & trade team in Vietnam.
Viet Nam News: Wood pellets hold much potential for low-emission production
Coal is used in many establishments to run boiler systems. Converting the coal input of these facilities to cleaner fuel sources has great potential to reduce emissions on a national scale. At a seminar organized by the Vietnam Timber and Forest Products Association, Vietnam Thermal Science and Technology Association, and Forest Trends, discussions aimed to […]
Perú21: Cusco: con el “Qocha Raymi” hacen un llamado a la acción frente a la escasez del agua
La región de Cusco atraviesa una de las mayores crisis hídricas de las últimas décadas. Ante esta situación, y en el marco del Día Mundial del Agua, las comunidades campesinas recurrieron a la celebración ancestral del Qocha Raymi, que se realizó en el campo ferial de Piuray, en el distrito de Chinchero. El Proyecto Infraestructura Natural para […]