The Illegal Deforestation and Associated Trade (IDAT) Risk Data Tool – Cattle Products (Cattle Data Tool) allows users to access and manipulate data related to the global trade of cattle products, with a focus on potential links to illegal deforestation. Users can identify, quantify and visualize key information which raise flags on the potential risk of illegal cattle products entering a supply chain.

The charts contained on the Cattle Data Tool tabs are interactive, allowing users to apply filters to examine specific trade flows. Data and charts can be downloaded from this website. We ask that you cite Forest Trends’ IDAT Risk website, as downloaded [date].

Underlying data sources, methodology used to create risk indicators, and a glossary of key terms is available here. The approach used on the IDAT risk website and resources uses a new methodology to create proxies / indicators of risk and is not an absolute assessment of illegal logging or illegal deforestation risk for a source country. The analysis can only offer an indication of relative national-level “risk” (based on existing indices of corruption, governance, political and timber harvest risk) associated with a trading country. This data therefore offers insight into the initial stages of risk assessment, but should not be used in isolation or as an alternative to seeking out detailed location specific assessments of forest crime.

Crimes can still occur in countries rated low risk, and there can be legal, sustainable, and/or certified timber produced in countries listed as high risk. All robust due diligence / care systems would need to investigate further.

A full user guide is available here.