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Together with partners around the world, Forest Trends pioneers innovative finance for conservation, promoting healthy forests, sustainable agriculture, clean water, robust climate action, biodiverse landscapes, and strong communities.

Our programs and initiatives publish timely research, bring together diverse actors, and apply these approaches to make a difference on the ground, often blazing trails for bold and far-reaching policies in the process.


Forest Trends protects critical ecosystems through creative environmental finance, markets, supply chains, and other incentive mechanisms. We build diverse coalitions with governments, local and indigenous communities, and business to ensure that all stakeholders are engaged and benefit from conservation.


7 Lessons for Scaling up Nature-based Solutions for Water Security: Takeaways from the First UN Water Conference in 46 Years

Last week we were honored to gather experts and practitioners at the Nature Hub in New York City during the UN Water Conference – the first in 46 years – to share lessons learned on scaling up nature-based solutions (NBS) for water. The main aim of the conference this year was to accelerate action to achieve […]

Investments Water

Ficha resumen del Proyecto Huamanga

Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments Water

Forest Trends Impact Report 2023

The Magic of Coalitions

Climate change, forest loss, the biodiversity crisis, the sustainable development imperative: none of these can be fixed through business as usual. None of these challenges will be addressed by individuals, individual institutions, nor individual countries. It will take all of us together. This is why we spend so much time investing in people and in […]

Investments Water

Haciendo el Camino 2024

Resultados del Proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica

Las sequías, inundaciones, incendios y huaycos de los últimos años demuestran la vulnerabilidad del Perú ante los riesgos hídricos y climáticos. La infraestructura natural–como bosques, bofedales, pastizales, matorrales y páramos– junto con las prácticas tradicionales de conservación del agua y los suelos, contribuyen a reducir estos riesgos. También proporcionan importantes beneficios colaterales, como la mitigación […]

By Mia Smith

4 days ago

#Naturalinfrastructure gives us cleaner water. As water moves through our landscapes and soil, it gets filtered by plant roots and small microbes. Without this natural filtration system, water collects more pollutants as it flows towards important sources of freshwater like rivers and lakes.We need clean, safe water to drink and grow food. Cleaner water at its sources in nature can also mean cheaper water bills – cleaner water going to treatment plants means less treatment costs. Know anyone using nature to protect our sources of water? Tag them in the comments! #ForestTrends ... See MoreSee Less
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6 days ago

Our natural landscapes are a source of beauty and wonder. Supporting #naturalinfrastructure means these peaceful places will continue to be available for us and future generations to enjoy.Want to get involved? Help support these shared landscapes through a gift to #ForestTrends. Link in our bio. ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

#NIWS #CongresoInternacionalnacional | El día de ayer tuvimos la oportunidad de participar en el Congreso Internacional de Cambio Climático: Rumbo a la Descarbonización, organizado por el Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú - CD Lima en donde nuestro Director adjunto de inversiones, Fernando León, participó de la mesa técnica “Propuestas de medidas de adaptación: Cuencas hidrográficas. Ecosistemas, bosques, glaciales y humedales”. Durante su presentación, León destacó el rol de la #InfraestructuraNatural y de las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza #SBN como estrategias clave para enfrentar el cambio climático, poniendo como caso de éxito los avances significativos que ha logrado el proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica (NIWS) durante sus primeros años de trabajo. Informó que a partir de procesos de asistencia técnica, fortalecimiento de capacidades e investigación se ha logrado que el sector público y privado reconozca la urgencia de invertir en proyectos ecosistémicos para la sostenibilidad hídrica del país. USAID Peru Embajada de Canadá en Perú y en Bolivia CONDESAN Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental - SPDA ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Did you know that 1 tree can give 4 people enough oxygen for an entire day?Trees and other plants convert carbon dioxide into the oxygen we need to breathe. Some can even clean toxins out of the air! Protecting and restoring the ecosystems that provide us with this service is our most natural tool to mitigate climate change. Help support our work to keep forests standing through a gift of any amount. (Donate at the link in our bio!) #naturalinfrastructure #ForestTrends ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

#Prensa| Agradecemos a Diario La República por la nota publicada sobre el evento “Evidencia científica en Apoyo a la Toma de Decisiones para la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos en los Andes”, organizado por la Iniciativa Regional de Monitoreo Hidrológico de Ecosistemas Andinos (iMHEA) con el apoyo del proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica (NIWS por sus siglas en inglés). USAID Peru Embajada de Canadá en Perú y en Bolivia CONDESAN Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental - SPDA Imperial College LondonAl menos 30 investigadores en hidrología de ecosistemas andinos se reunieron en evento que busca mejorar la gestión de recursos hídricos. ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Pictured below: Our team at work restoring wetlands in PeruDid you know that a single acre of wetland can store over 1 million gallons of floodwater? They can also:1. Store water. Wetlands collect water when it rains, then gradually release it into the soil, lakes & ponds, or aquifers, which store large amounts of fresh water underground.2. Filter water. Plants🌿 & other organisms naturally remove some toxins, making it safer for drinking & watering crops, & reducing the cost of treating the water.3. Protect against flooding. Excess rainwater is absorbed and diverted from communities.4. Provide habitat. Birds, fish, shellfish, and other species need wetlands to thrive.🦆🦪🐟Want more information? Link in our bio to our latest blog on how we’re supporting #naturalinfrastructure, like wetlands, in Peru. #ForestTrends ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Healthy soil is the foundation of healthy ecosystems and their ability to serve as natural infrastructure.The small living things 🪱🪲🦠, plant roots, and decaying matter🥀 in soil make it more able to absorb water and a better environment for other life.Natural infrastructure like standing forests, flourishing wetlands, and abundant grasslands all start with healthy soil. What do you know about #naturalinfrastructure? Let us know in the comments! ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Forests are not only beautiful to look at & visit. They are essential to our daily lives! When people invest in protecting and restoring them as #naturalinfrastructure, forests can:1. Filter water. As water flows through the soil, plants &microbes in the soil remove pollutants. We need clean water to drink and grow food.2. Increase our air quality by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. More trees mean more oxygen! Plus, some plants can even filter out certain airborne toxins.3. Be home. Healthy forests contain tons of life, from microbes and insects to plants and animals (including people!) 4. Absorb and store carbon. Over 1/2 of all carbon stored around the globe is in forests.Want to help protect our planet’s forests? Donate to #ForestTrends through the "Donate" button on our profile! ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

#Aliados| ¡Muy contentos de renovar compromisos por el agua, la infraestructura natural y la seguridad hídrica con la Autoridad Nacional del Agua del Perú! ✍️ Fernando Momiy Hada ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

#SemanaDelAgua2024 | Hoy en el #DíaMundialdelAgua ¡Volvemos a las fuentes! para recordar que son los ecosistemas o #InfraestructuraNatural los que aseguran el agua para el presente y futuro. Hoy #22M todas y todos #UnidosPorElAguaUSAID Peru Embajada de Canadá en Perú y en Bolivia CONDESAN Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental - SPDA Descosur Ministerio del Ambiente - Perú Autoridad Nacional del Agua del Perú Sedapal SUNASS UNESCO Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montaña ... See MoreSee Less
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Our natural resources are at great peril because of an economic system that does not value standing forests and their services. Forest Trends has developed strategic approaches to address this problem – but we can only succeed with your support.